At some point or another, you may need a loan. Many can go to a bank or their credit union and apply, and loans with a sufficiently high enough credit score will be approved. For others, even though they have job security and collateral to obtain a loan, their credit score is not high enough for approval.
Nowadays, banks and credit unions are even more specific about how and why they approve loans. The same can go for personal loans or small business loans. This can prove to be challenging for many people who may need this extra money for their start-up or for buying a car. There are many other lenders outside of traditional banks and credit unions. Unfortunately, many are not trustworthy, and you could find yourself in debt with an extremely high-interest loan, dealing with an aggressive loan shark, or finding yourself the victim of fraud.
This can be difficult as many moneylenders are strictly professional and courteous. While you may need money, you also do not want to be scammed.